Monday, April 23, 2012

Subject: Proposal to complete a research paper that will result in an effective program designed to help Hispanic students, at a young age, to succeed academically by embracing their cultural and understanding the importance of education.   

I. Statement of Thesis and Project Summary:
With the high number of migrating families in the United States there has been an increase in Hispanic children in the public school system. These students tend to test below average on state test and have a high drop out rate. A lot of educators have wondered, what can be the cause for these high numbers of minority students performing poorly academically and what can be done to help. What I would like to focus on for this research is the cultural affect these students experience, broken down into three categories:  language, traditions, and environment. For my project I would like to research these three main categories and create a program that would benefit these students, based on my studies. In order to create a program that is effective I will research current programs, separating the pros and cons, to have a base of what my program should include. Along with this I will research the Utah School Curriculum to have knowledge of the regulation and expectations for Utah’s students. In the Utah School public school system English learners are sent to the special education classes. The main reason of the difficulties these students have is language base therefore; a program is needed for English language learners. My main focus will be the Hispanic students because they are the majority of the minority. As part of the program I create, my goal will be to embrace the culture, academically strengthen each individual so they will not feel isolated intellectually and create a foundation of the importance of education. 

II. Outlines:
1.     Introduction and presentation of thesis. 

2.     Language: To many of these students language can be a barrier and struggle.
     Language does shape the way an individual thinks and view the world.
*. How does language (Spanish) separate them from the others?

3.     In order for a program to work, the students must feel accepted for who they are and their traditions is what makes them different.
*. The cultural difference, that their parts have parents have passed down, may interferer with their academics.
-Such as responsibilities in the home, courtship, gender roles, and the level of importance of education.

4. The environment molds their habits and influences their beliefs of their self-esteem       and behavior.
      * What role do gangs and rebellion have in Utah public schools?
      5. Conclusion: Create a separate program from the Special Education program to help students with language struggles, always embracing their culture and respecting their traditions. 

III. Review of the Literature:

Many stories from books like Children of Immigration and Made in America focus on cultural challenges that Hispanic students experience at a young age, which affect their academics. Personally, experienced some of these challenges at an early age as well and it did not only affect me in school but also in my long term views of education. In Culture and Language as a Factor in Learning and Education, anthropological studies have proven that people with different cultural or linguistic background think differently. Perspective and views are shaped by our culture and I believe this is a factor that is missing when it comes to educating minority, such as Hispanics.  Based on previous programs, such as 1993 Andrew W. Foundation, which addresses the challenges that second language learners faces. Programs lack success do to the lack in staff, system of accountability and the organization. It is important for a program to have structure and order for it to achieve their goal. In Utah alone, in 2010, the population of Hispanics in the public school district was 86,301, making 15% of the total student population. The numbers are growing and the demand for an affective program is needed.

IV. Schedule
            1. First draft October 26, 2012
2. Final copyDecember 14,2012

V. Bibliography
Carola and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozxo. Learning a New Land. 2008

Carola and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozxo. The Children of Immigration in School. Harvard University Press. 2001.

Laurie Olsen . Made in America: Immigrant Students in Our Public Schools. 2008.

Lamber, Wallace E. Culture and Language as Factors in Learning and Education.
Layton, Stanford J. Being Different: Stories of Utah’s Minorities. Signature Books. 2001.
Spring, Joel. The American School. McGraw-Hill. 2001;
Rojas, Lauren Hill. The Effects of First Language Development on Second Language Acquisition Among English Language Learners. 2011.
 Utah State of Office. 2011.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I. Introduction

My research will be focused on immigrant students or students from immigrant families from Latin America that are affected by the different cultural changes. These students come from homes where Spanish is the main language. With their living conditions and different cultural background their academic performances in states tests and for their grade level have resulted to be lower than average. The percentage of graduates is lower and with the immigration situation that is going on a lot people believe that these students shouldn’t be here, even with their citizenship. With that being said we do experience a high level of students from immigrant parents or themselves being from Latin America, predominantly from Mexico. In result to this research I want to conclude with finding an affective program or teaching tool that has benefited these students in their academic performances. My research will be from scholarly articles and research that have been already done, I would like to take that research and see how it can benefit Utah’s education system in helping our students succeed. From what I have experience, I believe that there is programs that help the student become more successful in school. They just need someone that believes and supports them.
II. Statement of the Problem
With the amount of new comers that we have in this country some of our schools are becoming populated with students from different cultures, especially Hispanic students. It has become difficult for a lot of them to learn the language properly. A lot of them don’t consider going to college because of their different cultural views. The majority do not do well on state test. What can we do to help these children stay away from the streets and focus on a better future? What school programs has been successful?
III. Purpose of the Study
With our public schools being filled with students that come from immigrant families or themselves being immigrants, the public schools have been filled with different  cultures and some teachers do not know how to treat or help the them. The purpose of this study would be to research the most effective programs and teaching technique to help these students academically.
IV. Review of the Literature:
Children of Immigration by Carola and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozxo
·      a. Chapter 5 in this book focuses The Children of Immigration in School. This basically goes over the cultural views that are past down to the child in regards to education.
Made in America by Laurie Olsen
·      Focuses on the condition of a public school where 20% of the students were born in another country and a third of them have limited English or come from homes that don”t have English as a main language.
Learning a New Land by Carola and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozxo
·      This focus on the challenges of learning English.
Educational Progress of Children of Immigrants: The Roles of Class, Ethnicity, and School by Alejandro Portes
Crossing the Schoolhouse Border: Immigrant Students and the California Public Schools. A California Tomorrow Policy Research Report. By: Laurie Olsen
·       This article provides detailed interview with student in the California school system.
·      Overlooked and Underserved: Immigrant Students in U.S. Secondary Schools
·      Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, Michael E. Fix, Beatriz Chu Clewell.
·      “These earlier studies have also suggested the importance of focusing greater attention on the educational needs of older(middle and high school-age) limited English proficient (LEP) immigrants and on the challenges facing the high-poverty secondary schools in which they are found.
·      1993, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supported the creation of a program of local demonstration projects focused on immigrant secondary education that addressed some of these challenges.
·      The projects name PRIME-Program in Immigrant Education.
·      Two Subpopulations of immigrant children of immigrant children that pose special challenges to secondary schools but have received little attention:
o      Immigrant teens who arrive in the U.S. school system with significant gaps in their schooling. Many of these children are not fully literate in their native language, much less in English.
o      Students from language minority homes who have been in U.S. schools longer, but have yet to master basic language and literacy skills. While these students may be orally proficient in English, their reading and writing skills lag those of their students counterparts.
·      Challenges for the program:
o      Lack in staff
o      Organization
o      System of accountability
·      Understanding the Needs
·      Who is the student?
·      Profiles of 6 Immigrant Students ( from Brazil, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Russia, and Vietnam)- their educational backgrounds and language
·      proficiencies, and challenges faced in school.
·      Factors that shape the need of these students
·      Social Cultural and Development
·      “First and second-generation immigrant children are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population under age 15.”
o      In 1997 one out of five elementary and secondary school students had a foreign-born parents.
o      3.2 million LEP students nationwide in 1998
o      With the increase of Immigrant students in different stages of learning English, there has been an increasing number of students needing extra academic instruction in addition to ESL classes.
o      The majority of K-12 public schools have lived in only five states- California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Texas
o      Factors that contribute to that affect immigrant students’ adjustment to U.S. schooling and their success in the transition form adolescence to adulthood. Including individual and family characteristics
§       Socioeconomic status and previous academic achievement, language proficiencies (both native language and English), the similarities and differences between their native countries and cultures and the United States, their immigration experiences and status, and the contexts in which they live in the Unites States.
o      “ The demographic realities described above are cause for serious concern, and many educators believe that the education system believe that the education system in the United States is poorly prepared to meet the needs of its linguistically and culturally diverse student population.”
o      Drop out rates are higher among language-minority secondary school students.
§       Hispanic students are more likely than white students to leave
o      New Concepts and new challenges: Progessional Development for Teachers of Immigrant Youth by Josue M. Gonzalez and Linda Darling-Hammond
§       Most classroom teachers do not receive special training in these areas.
·      Crossing the Schoolhouse Border: immigrant Students and the California Public Schools. A California Tomorrow Policy Research Report.
·      779
·      “Detailed interviews with immigrant students in the California school system indicate that the schools are not meeting the challenge of providing these students with an education adequate to prepare them to be productive members of American society. The first section presents demographic data and background information on immigrant children and their immigration experience. The second section reviews the content and structure of school programs, describes the school experience of immigrant children, and presents data on the achievement and school success of immigrant students. The final section offers suggestions for steps to be taken at the state, local, school site, and community levels to create a more adequate school experience for immigrant children. Appendices include the interview guide used in this study and a bibliography with 134 references. (SKW)” 
·      Educating Immigrant Students. What We Need to Know to Meet the Challenges.
·      “The shortcomings and assets of existing knowledge about educating immigrant students and their implications for serving immigrant populations traditionally underserved in U.S. public schools are addressed. How immigration interacts with race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, social class, and residential location is explored through current information on immigrants, the conceptualization of racial and ethnic socialization for immigrant children, and studying the educational experiences of immigrants. The first four chapters are an overview of factors and issues in immigration in the United States. They summarize the most current information on the socioeconomic, demographic, linguistic, and educational characteristics of U.S. immigrant children. The next two chapters examine the racial and ethnic identity reconstruction of immigrant minority children and its implications for their schooling. The following three chapters describe the different groups of people dominating current immigration, discussing groups by areas of geographic origin. Chapter 10 provides a brief review and summary to make recommendations and consider implications for policy and practice. The chapters are titled: (1) "Immigration and Schooling in the United States"; (2) "Families and Communities"; (3) "Overcoming Language Barriers"; (4) "Educational Attainment"; (5) "Learning New Cultures"; (6) "Learning in School"; (7) "Hispanic Children"; (8) "Asian Children"; (9) "Caribbean and African Black Children"; and (10) "The Future for Immigrant Students." (Contains 11 tables, 15 figures, and 200 references.) (SLD)”
·      The New Californians: Comparative Research Findings on the Educational Progress of Immigrant Children.

V. Question and/or Hypothesis
What programs are affective?
Would these programs help the street crimes?
What I would like to do for my own research is interview students that come from these backgrounds that attend UVU. A lot of the questions would to determine their conditions growing up in their household and school. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Assignment 5:

Overlooked and Underserved: Immigrant Students in U.S. Secondary Schools
Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, Michael E. Fix, Beatriz Chu Clewell.

“These earlier studies have also suggested the importance of focusing greater attention on the educational needs of older(middle and high school-age) limited English proficient (LEP) immigrants and on the challenges facing the high-poverty secondary schools in which they are found.

1993, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supported the creation of a program of local demonstration projects focused on immigrant secondary education that addressed some of these challenges.
The projects name PRIME-Program in Immigrant Education.

Two Subpopulations of immigrant children of immigrant children that pose special challenges to secondary schools but have received little attention:
1)   Immigrant teens who arrive in the U.S. school system with significant gaps in their schooling. Many of these children are not fully literate in their native language, much less in English.
2)   Students from language minority homes who have been in U.S. schools longer, but have yet to master basic language and literacy skills. While these students may be orally proficient in English, their reading and writing skills lag those of their students counterparts.

Challenges for the program:
·      Lack in staff
·      Organization
·      System of accountability

Understanding the Needs
Who is the student?
Profiles of 6 Immigrant Students ( from Brazil, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Russia, and Vietnam)- their educational backgrounds and language
proficiencies, and challenges faced in school.

Factors that shape the need of these students
Social Cultural and Development

“First and second-generation immigrant children are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population under age 15.”
·      In 1997 one out of five elementary and secondary school students had a foreign-born parents.
·      3.2 million LEP students nationwide in 1998
·      With the increase of Immigrant students in different stages of learning English, there has been an increasing number of students needing extra academic instruction in addition to ESL classes.
·      The majority of K-12 public schools have lived in only five states- California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Texas
·      Factors that contribute to that affect immigrant students’ adjustment to U.S. schooling and their success in the transition form adolescence to adulthood. Including individual and family characteristics
o      Socioeconomic status and previous academic achievement, language proficiencies (both native language and English), the similarities and differences between their native countries and cultures and the United States, their immigration experiences and status, and the contexts in which they live in the Unites States.
·      “ The demographic realities described above are cause for serious concern, and many educators believe that the education system believe that the education system in the United States is poorly prepared to meet the needs of its linguistically and culturally diverse student population.”
·      Drop out rates are higher among language-minority secondary school students.
o      Hispanic students are more likely than white students to leave
·      New Concepts and new challenges: Progessional Development for Teachers of Immigrant Youth by Josue M. Gonzalez and Linda Darling-Hammond
o      Most classroom teachers do not receive special training in these areas.

Crossing the Schoolhouse Border: immigrant Students and the California Public Schools. A California Tomorrow Policy Research Report.

“Detailed interviews with immigrant students in the California school system indicate that the schools are not meeting the challenge of providing these students with an education adequate to prepare them to be productive members of American society. The first section presents demographic data and background information on immigrant children and their immigration experience. The second section reviews the content and structure of school programs, describes the school experience of immigrant children, and presents data on the achievement and school success of immigrant students. The final section offers suggestions for steps to be taken at the state, local, school site, and community levels to create a more adequate school experience for immigrant children. Appendices include the interview guide used in this study and a bibliography with 134 references. (SKW)” 

Educating Immigrant Students. What We Need to Know to Meet the Challenges.

“The shortcomings and assets of existing knowledge about educating immigrant students and their implications for serving immigrant populations traditionally underserved in U.S. public schools are addressed. How immigration interacts with race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, social class, and residential location is explored through current information on immigrants, the conceptualization of racial and ethnic socialization for immigrant children, and studying the educational experiences of immigrants. The first four chapters are an overview of factors and issues in immigration in the United States. They summarize the most current information on the socioeconomic, demographic, linguistic, and educational characteristics of U.S. immigrant children. The next two chapters examine the racial and ethnic identity reconstruction of immigrant minority children and its implications for their schooling. The following three chapters describe the different groups of people dominating current immigration, discussing groups by areas of geographic origin. Chapter 10 provides a brief review and summary to make recommendations and consider implications for policy and practice. The chapters are titled: (1) "Immigration and Schooling in the United States"; (2) "Families and Communities"; (3) "Overcoming Language Barriers"; (4) "Educational Attainment"; (5) "Learning New Cultures"; (6) "Learning in School"; (7) "Hispanic Children"; (8) "Asian Children"; (9) "Caribbean and African Black Children"; and (10) "The Future for Immigrant Students." (Contains 11 tables, 15 figures, and 200 references.) (SLD)”

The New Californians: Comparative Research Findings on the Educational Progress of Immigrant Children.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My research will be focused on immigrant students or students from immigrant families from Latin America that are affected by the different cultural changes. These students come from homes where Spanish is the main language. With their living conditions and different cultural background their academic performances in states tests and for their grade level have resulted to be lower than average. With that being said we do experience a high level of students from immigrant parents or themselves being from Latin America, predominantly from Mexico. In result to this research I want to conclude with finding an affective program or teaching tool that has benefited these students in their academic performances. My research will be from scholarly articles and research that have been already done, I would like to take that research and see how it can benefit Utah’s education system in helping our students succeed. 

1)    Children of Immigration by Carola and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozxo
a. Chapter 5 in this book focuses The Children of Immigration in School. This basically goes over the cultural views that are past down to the child in regards to education.
2)    Made in America by Laurie Olsen
a.     Focuses on the condition of a public school where 20% of the students were born in another country and a third of them have limited English or come from homes that don”t have English as a main language.
3)    Learning a New Land by Carola and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozxo
a.     This focus on the challenges of learning English.
4)    Educational Progress of Children of Immigrants: The Roles of Class, Ethnicity, and School by Alejandro Portes
5)    Crossing the Schoolhouse Border: Immigrant Students and the California Public Schools. A California Tomorrow Policy Research Report. By: Laurie Olsen
a.      This article provides detailed interview with student in the California school system.

Monday, February 6, 2012

For many years now, people have migrated to this country to for a better life. Every person from different countries have different reason for migrating here, that is how our country started. Now it continues to be a big political issue. Many parents bring their children, at a young age, to this country and the change they experience is unexplainable. Some of the current concerns about these families and new students is their behavior. A lot of these children experience terrifying experiences that change their view and start misbehaving.  Many teachers after experiencing trouble with these students give up on them and all these kids need is someone to believe in them. Some may ask the question, where are their parents? There are many different immigrants so I would like to focus on the Hispanic low-income homes with children of elementary age. In these certain case many of the parents work more than 40 hours a week, usually less than minimum wage according to the state. Most of these kids do not have parents home to help them with homework, especially when they do not understand the language themselves. These students lack in help from their parents and their teacher, if their teacher does not know how to handle new students. With this research I would like to focus on the following questions:

1)    How does a new environment and language affect the children in their behavior? Do they experience some type of trauma? Either from student or teacher at a school environment?
2)    Is there programs that can provide them with the help necessary?
3)    How does their parents work schedule affect their behavior and progress in school?
4)    Does their parents immigration status and process and their own affect them in school?
One in five children of school age in United States is an immigrant or child of immigrants.
This is a little clearer than the previous post but I will add a new post tomorrow with more information on my research.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

For many years the United States has been the country to come to for a better life. During the industrial revolution many people migrated to the United States working in factories with jobs that barely paid them to get themselves and their families by. They were provided with unreasonable and unsanitary housing. They were not important to those making money off of cheap labor and taking advantage of the people new to this country. Many years later we still have many people from different countries migrate here for a better life. During my stay in Forest Grove, Oregon as a teller in the small town for a bank there would be many nursery workers that would come by the bank to cash their checks. These people had jobs for a season. Depending what was in season. They would work hours and hours a day. Many times I got the chance to have a conversation with them. They would work from early morning starting at 4am till it got dark again, around 5-6am. Some of these people had families to take care of. Many of them had kids that were in school but with their parents work schedule the children didn’t have that support with homework as much as one young new student to a different country, struggling with the language, should have.  My research people will be dealing with studying the lives of these children coming from different countries and trying to adopt to a new environment and learning a new language with a complete different culture. Sometimes their parents are the only people they know. I want to research the effect it has on children at a young age trying to start in a new place while their parents work hours so their children can have a better chance at life. There are many different people from all over that come to this country. I would like to focus on the low-income immigrants that just came to this country from Latin America with their children to have a better life. I want to research the impact this has on an individual young child who has to leave all he knows and all of his friend and language to come to a new country and obtain his education in a new language as well as learn it. How does this affect them in their education? How does this affect them in the way they see their own culture as well as the new culture environment they are put into? How does this affect their behavior in school and their responsibility to do homework/school work? Mainly, how their views change towards their future education? Do they think about going to college? Do they worry about their grades?