Sunday, January 29, 2012

For many years the United States has been the country to come to for a better life. During the industrial revolution many people migrated to the United States working in factories with jobs that barely paid them to get themselves and their families by. They were provided with unreasonable and unsanitary housing. They were not important to those making money off of cheap labor and taking advantage of the people new to this country. Many years later we still have many people from different countries migrate here for a better life. During my stay in Forest Grove, Oregon as a teller in the small town for a bank there would be many nursery workers that would come by the bank to cash their checks. These people had jobs for a season. Depending what was in season. They would work hours and hours a day. Many times I got the chance to have a conversation with them. They would work from early morning starting at 4am till it got dark again, around 5-6am. Some of these people had families to take care of. Many of them had kids that were in school but with their parents work schedule the children didn’t have that support with homework as much as one young new student to a different country, struggling with the language, should have.  My research people will be dealing with studying the lives of these children coming from different countries and trying to adopt to a new environment and learning a new language with a complete different culture. Sometimes their parents are the only people they know. I want to research the effect it has on children at a young age trying to start in a new place while their parents work hours so their children can have a better chance at life. There are many different people from all over that come to this country. I would like to focus on the low-income immigrants that just came to this country from Latin America with their children to have a better life. I want to research the impact this has on an individual young child who has to leave all he knows and all of his friend and language to come to a new country and obtain his education in a new language as well as learn it. How does this affect them in their education? How does this affect them in the way they see their own culture as well as the new culture environment they are put into? How does this affect their behavior in school and their responsibility to do homework/school work? Mainly, how their views change towards their future education? Do they think about going to college? Do they worry about their grades?  


  1. Noelia,

    This is a promising project that now needs focusing. Part of that focus will come from your literature review. There is a great deal of research and scholarship on the educational issues facing immigrant children.

    Also, I noticed that in your conclusion to this post you write, "Mainly, how their views change towards their future education? Do they think about going to college? Do they worry about their grades?" The fact that you started this passage with the word "mainly" made it leap out at me. I think here is a possible focus for your research: the before and after views of their educational future for immigrant children, especially those old enough to have begun their educations in their natal country. On this particular subject I don't myself know of any scholarship, but it would an intriguing question to address. And, slightly more generally, I suggest that, whether or not you pursue research into their expectations per se, you consider focusing on the older children who started their educations before immigrating. That seems to be the group closest to the heart of the questions you ask in your first post.

  2. I don't know what happened ... I just wrote a big long reply to you, and for some reason it didn't post! I will try again.

    Besides agreeing with Mark about focusing the question and checking into what has been done here (and what areas of research need enhancement), I mainly asked a question about methodology:

    Are you thinking of doing your own original research here (for example with surveys) or of doing case studies (with extensive interviews) or of doing a research project (combining research that has already been published to answer your research question)?

    I know these are big questions, but they should help narrow down what comes next.

  3. Well right now I have been looking at research that has been published. But I would like to do my own research. I just believe that in order to get a start I should look into research that has been done already. Thank you for your feed back I will be posting more in regards to my research.
